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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tentang #FollowFriday di Twitter

Apa sich #FollowFriday yang mucul di trend Twitter tiap hari Jumat? 
#FollowFriday adalah game di Twitter dimana pengguna Twitter (Twitterer) mengusulkan Twitterer lain yang menarik untuk diikuti (to follow). Ini bisa menolong Twitterer lain menemukan Twitterer yang unik dan menarik.

Bagaimana cara ikut game ini ?
Buat list orang-orang pengguna Twitter (Twitterer) yang menarik menurutmu di postingan Twitter-mu (Tweet) supaya orang lain bisa melihatnya, jangan lupa menambahkan hashtag (#) dan kata FollowFriday sebelum nama Twitterer yang akan direkomendasikan.

Contoh :
#FollowFriday @kawanua7 @yessy777 @detiknews @megabowo

Have fun Twittering Tweetpeeps !!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Twitter Gadget Untuk Gmail

Twitter gadget untuk Gmail adalah bagi pencinta setia Gmail dan juga Twitter yang malas buka tutup tab di Firefox.
Url Gadget : http://twittergadget.appspot.com/gadget-gmail.xml
Twitter ID yang create : @c9 (supaya bisa bilang "thank you")
Kalau ingin tahu lebih tentang that awesome gadget, ini websitenya : http://twittergadget.appspot.com/

Saya sudah coba menggunakan and I like it. It's superfast. Coba dech.

Note : Sorry for the "Gado-gado language"

Monday, March 16, 2009

Peace Picture Of The Week

Here's Agnes Monica and Nicholas Saputra.

Friday, March 13, 2009

101 Ways to Use Digital Cameras

   1. Take photos or videos of field trips.
   2. Take photos or videos illustrating vocabulary words.
   3. Take photos or videos of plant growth
   4. Take photos or videos of community
   5. Use photos for seating charts.
   6. Take photos to illustrate stories or poems
   7. Take photos or videos for illustrating emotions
   8. Take photos or videos of classroom pet
   9. Take photos to prompt creative writing
  10. Take photos of learning centers for a choice chart
  11. Take photos or videos of bulletin boards or classroom ideas from other teachers
  12. Tape a student's photo on their desk nametag so that other students and substitutes learn names.
  13. Use photos for attendance chart
  14. Use photos for graphing
  15. Use photos for story about the child
  16. Use photos of family to create a family book
  17. Use photos or videos for step by step directions.
  18. Use photos for sequencing
  19. Use photos or videos for an ABC book
  20. Use photos to create a book about the school and workers
  21. Create a staff directory
  22. Use photos or videos for a school or classroom handbook
  23. Use photos for passports during a travel unit
  24. Take photos or videos in Physical Education to record events and skills
  25. Take photos or videos for assessment
  26. Take photos for a book about colors
  27. Take photos for a book or chart about numbers
  28. Take photos for a book about shapes
  29. Take photos or videos of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs
  30. Take photos for a rhyming book
  31. Use photos in thank you cards or invitations
  32. Take photos of events and make a calendar of memories
  33. Using photos create a body part book
  34. Use photos to create a community workers or school workers book
  35. Use photos or videos for concept illustration for curriculum areas
  36. Display student work on your website by taking a digital photo of it
  37. Send a camera home with a student to take photos of family traditions or scan photos that students bring for a Traditions Book
  38. Use photos or videos to create an Open House slide show or display.
  39. Use photos in letters to e-Pals
  40. Create a digital yearbook or memory book
  41. Use photos or videos as a reminder to a teacher or substitute of how to plug in cables to the TV, VCR or computer.
  42. Take photos or videos to explain a hobby or collection
  43. Use photos as graphics in student work
  44. Take photos or videos of art concepts - line, shape, texture, form and color
  45. Take a photos or videos of something in the classroom that is a problem area. Have the students brainstorm how to change the area.
  46. Take photos or videos of the weather and seasons
  47. Use photos for the classroom helper chart
  48. Laminate photos of students for voting, selecting partners, choosing centers, graphing
  49. Take photos of classroom events for student journaling. Write about the photo of costume day, hat day, book character day, etc.
  50. Create a Birthday Book. Add a photo to a page that the child has written about birthday plans. Print one for the book and one to send home.
  51. Take a photos or videos of the students on their birthday
  52. Use photos to create classroom awards. Act of Kindness, Caught being good, Great reader
  53. Send an email with a photo attachment of the student caught being good
  54. Use photos to create postcards
  55. Use photos to create faces for puppets
  56. Scan photos that students bring of their pets for creating a book aboutcaring for pets
  57. Take photos or videos for a classroom inventory
  58. Document vandalism with photos or videos
  59. Email classroom events to the local newspaper or school board
  60. Use classroom photos as computer screensavers
  61. Create a Welcome to Our Classroom book
  62. Take photos of the various school lunches for a "What's for Lunch?" chart
  63. Scan photos students bring of extended family members to create a family tree.
  64. Take photos or videos for animal reports
  65. Take photos or videos of parts of a plant
  66. Take photos or videos of types of clouds
  67. Make a Five Senses book. Students take photos illustrating each sense
  68. Take photos of environmental print for an emergent readers' book - stop sign, Target sign, exit sign
  69. Take a photo of an object zoomed in. Have students guess what it is.
  70. Take photos or videos of assignments and post them to your website for parent communication
  71. Create photo vocabulary cards for ESL students
  72. Photograph books that you read to add to a list or chart
  73. Photograph class schedule for special needs students or substitute
  74. Photograph or videotape procedures for parent volunteer training
  75. Print two copies of photos to make a matching or concentration game.
  76. Show safety rules through photos or videos
  77. Create photograph bookmarks
  78. Create"It's My Turn" name cards with student pictures for choosing who gets the next turn.
  79. Post the Character Education Word of the Week with photos of students who fit that description. For example: Punctual, Responsible, etc.
  80. Create videos of students acting our Character Education concepts.
  81. Create a video of directions for a project
  82. Create brochures using photos
  83. Use photos or videos to "argue a point"
  84. Video a student as an assessment tool
  85. Take photos of rhyming words
  86. Create a chart of words that begin with the same sound using photos
  87. Create videos of poetry, tongue twisters or other phonemic awareness activities to send home with children for extra practice.
  88. Create a video book report complete with costumes and action
  89. Use video to record student's demonstrations for assessment
  90. Create video thank you messages
  91. Capture interviews with video
  92. Have students record their "sales pitch" for advertising on video
  93. Photograph unit resources and place in thematic unit folder
  94. Create a game for matching student photos and student names
  95. Photograph samples for graduation standards. What is a "4"? What is a "3"?
  96. Create a photo memory book for a student who is moving away.
  97. Use photographs or video for conflict resolution role playing.
  98. Create a postcard with the teacher's picture to send to students in the summer.
  99. Use photographs for a visual schedule.
 100. Use digital photographs for a student teacher bulletin board.
101. Take photos or videos of  yourself every morning after you wake up and post it on flickr.

Re-post this unique ways from : this then add the 101 number. Credit goes to Gayle.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dari Amurang Langsung Ke Balikpapan

Wow... It's a good thing to know now we can go langsung dari Amurang ke Balikpapan dan sebaliknya tanpa harus ke Bitung. Menurut web.bisnis
Masih belum jelas pelabuhannya di mana, so in the mean time enjoy this pic "Amurang Sunset".