Kapan dan Bagaimana?
Apakah kita merayakan Natal?
Ya, kita merayakan Natal!
Setiap saat
Pertama-tama dengan percaya
dan menerima Yesus sebagai Tuhan
dan Juruselamat pribadi kita masing-masing!
Berikut, setiap saat kita
melakukan kegiatan yang memuliakan Tuhan
dan kita memberitakan kelahiran-Nya,
kematian-Nya, penguburan-Nya, kebangkitan-Nya,
kenaikan-Nya, dan kedatangan-Nya kembali
untuk menjemput orang-orang percaya
ke sorga kekal mulia!
Pdt. Dr. Frans P. Tamarol
Here's the full article.
About ...
Application Online
cerita rakyat
Jesus Christ
joke manado
Learn Bahasa Manado
Pontius Pilatus
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Cara Funky Untuk Mengekspresikan Dirimu
Bagaimana mengubah fotomu menjadi kartun, videomu menjadi video kartun atau membuat lukisan digital or animated avatar dengan aplikasi online?
Well…. Ada web yang namanya befunky.
Di befunky kamu bisa
* Mengubah foto mu menjadi lukisan digital atau menjadi komik.
* Bisa mengubah video kesukaan kamu menjadi video kartun.
* Membuat atau membuat avatar yang lebih menarik dengan memilih background yang berbeda, baju atau aksesoris bahkan gaya rambut yang funky.
* Befunky juga punya yang namanya ”Wrap Tool” yang berguna untuk push dan menarik area apa saja pada sebuah image (memperbesar bibir, memperkecil hidung dll)
* Semua stuff mu yang dikerjakan di befunky bisa di pamerin di blog atau profilemu
* Kamu juga bisa mengundang lebih dari 100 teman dekat or mantan pacar untuk bergabung and get more creative di befunky
* Tips-tips keren juga bisa di dapat dari befunky community
Well…. Ada web yang namanya befunky.
Di befunky kamu bisa
* Mengubah foto mu menjadi lukisan digital atau menjadi komik.
* Bisa mengubah video kesukaan kamu menjadi video kartun.
* Membuat atau membuat avatar yang lebih menarik dengan memilih background yang berbeda, baju atau aksesoris bahkan gaya rambut yang funky.
* Befunky juga punya yang namanya ”Wrap Tool” yang berguna untuk push dan menarik area apa saja pada sebuah image (memperbesar bibir, memperkecil hidung dll)
* Semua stuff mu yang dikerjakan di befunky bisa di pamerin di blog atau profilemu
* Kamu juga bisa mengundang lebih dari 100 teman dekat or mantan pacar untuk bergabung and get more creative di befunky
* Tips-tips keren juga bisa di dapat dari befunky community
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
50 skill yang harus dimiliki seorang "geek" sejati.
My inbox today.
1. Install a hard drive in a laptop
2. Perform a clean OS install on a machine with two OSes
3. Swap out the battery on your iPod/iPhone
4. Jailbreak an iPhone
5. Wire your house for Ethernet and Coax cable
6. Use BitTorrent and RSS to automatically download new shows from trackers
7. Use an A/V receiver to its fullest capability (every port is taken)
8. Calibrate an HDTV without the manual
9. Use a DSLR in full manual mode
10. Hack the encryption and mooch your neighbor's Wi-Fi
11. Solder cleanly enough to get around a circuit board
12. Use your 3G phone as a Wi-Fi access point
13. Shove the guts of a modern game console into a retro game console
14. Design a webpage in HTML by hand that features a picture of your cat
15. Use Photoshop to imperceptibly doctor a photo
16. Abstain from buying extended warranties
17. Know where to buy cheap cables and accessories
18. Fix your parents' computer over the phone without looking at a computer
19. Enter the Konami code
20. Comment on Gizmodo from your phone
21. Type quickly using T9 texting
22. Program a universal remote
23. Contribute code to the Linux kernel
24. Hide porn from your significant other
25. Avoid DRM on everything
26. Know how to back up your data to networked storage—and actually do it
27. Watch TV shows on the internet for free
28. Edit together digital video ripped from YouTube
29. Play any SNES game on your computer through an emulator
30. Reset expired trial software by messing with the registry
31. Hackintosh your PC
32. Download pre-release movies from Usenet
33. Hack the Wii to play homebrew games
34. Get around web content filters on public computers
35. Get into a Windows computer if you forgot your password
36. Securely erase your data so it can't be recovered
37. Share a printer between a Mac and a PC on a network
38. Build a fighting robot
39. Write your own Firefox plugins
40. Navigate and reorganize the files on your computer in DOS
41. Get something on the front page of Digg
42. Get through to executive customer service
43. Rip a CD to V0 quality MP3s
44. Rip a DVD to DivX
45. Build your own computer from parts
46. Swap out the hard drive in your DVR for a bigger one
47. Get an NES cartridge working again by blowing in it
48. Calibrate a 7.1 surround-sound system
49. Play downloaded games on a Nintendo DS
50. Talk about things that aren't tech related
1. Install a hard drive in a laptop
2. Perform a clean OS install on a machine with two OSes
3. Swap out the battery on your iPod/iPhone
4. Jailbreak an iPhone
5. Wire your house for Ethernet and Coax cable
6. Use BitTorrent and RSS to automatically download new shows from trackers
7. Use an A/V receiver to its fullest capability (every port is taken)
8. Calibrate an HDTV without the manual
9. Use a DSLR in full manual mode
10. Hack the encryption and mooch your neighbor's Wi-Fi
11. Solder cleanly enough to get around a circuit board
12. Use your 3G phone as a Wi-Fi access point
13. Shove the guts of a modern game console into a retro game console
14. Design a webpage in HTML by hand that features a picture of your cat
15. Use Photoshop to imperceptibly doctor a photo
16. Abstain from buying extended warranties
17. Know where to buy cheap cables and accessories
18. Fix your parents' computer over the phone without looking at a computer
19. Enter the Konami code
20. Comment on Gizmodo from your phone
21. Type quickly using T9 texting
22. Program a universal remote
23. Contribute code to the Linux kernel
24. Hide porn from your significant other
25. Avoid DRM on everything
26. Know how to back up your data to networked storage—and actually do it
27. Watch TV shows on the internet for free
28. Edit together digital video ripped from YouTube
29. Play any SNES game on your computer through an emulator
30. Reset expired trial software by messing with the registry
31. Hackintosh your PC
32. Download pre-release movies from Usenet
33. Hack the Wii to play homebrew games
34. Get around web content filters on public computers
35. Get into a Windows computer if you forgot your password
36. Securely erase your data so it can't be recovered
37. Share a printer between a Mac and a PC on a network
38. Build a fighting robot
39. Write your own Firefox plugins
40. Navigate and reorganize the files on your computer in DOS
41. Get something on the front page of Digg
42. Get through to executive customer service
43. Rip a CD to V0 quality MP3s
44. Rip a DVD to DivX
45. Build your own computer from parts
46. Swap out the hard drive in your DVR for a bigger one
47. Get an NES cartridge working again by blowing in it
48. Calibrate a 7.1 surround-sound system
49. Play downloaded games on a Nintendo DS
50. Talk about things that aren't tech related
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Surat Pilatus Kepada Tiberius
My Inbox today....
Surat Pontius Pilatus
Kepada Kaisar Tiberius
Ternyata selama masa pemerintahannya sebagai Gubernur Yudea, Pontius Pilatus
pernah menulis sebuah surat kepada Kaisar Tiberius di Roma melaporkan
mengenai aktivitas dari pelayanan Yesus. Surat ini ditulisnya pada tahun 32
AD. Berikut adalah isi suratnya :
Kepada Yang Mulia Kaisar Tiberius ...
Seorang anak muda telah muncul di Galilea dan atas nama Elohim yang
mengutusnya, Dia telah berkhotbah dalam sebuah hukum yang baru, dengan
perilaku yang rendah hati. Pada mulanya saya mengira tujuan-Nya adalah untuk
menimbulkan gerakan revolusi rakyat untuk melawan pemerintahan Roma. Dugaan
saya keliru, Yesus Orang Nazaret itu ternyata bergaul lebih akrab dengan
orang Romawi daripada dengan orang Yahudi.
Suatu hari saya memperhatikan, ada seorang anak muda di antara sekelompok
orang, sedang bersandar pada sebatang pohon dan berbicara dengan tenang
kepada kumpulan orang banyak yang mengelilingi- Nya. Orang-orang mengatakan
kepada saya bahwa itulah Yesus. Terdapat perbedaan yang jelas antara Dia dan
orang-orang yang mengelilingi- Nya. Dari rambut dan janggutnya yang pirang,
Ia kelihatan seperti "Tuhan" (Lord). Ia berumur sekitar 30 tahun, dan saya
belum pernah melihat orang dengan wajah sedemikian simpatik dan menyenangkan
seperti Dia.
Apa yang membuat Ia kelihatan begitu berbeda dengan orang-orang yang sedang
mendengarkan- Nya adalah pada wajah-Nya yang ceria. Karena saya tidak ingin
mengganggu-Nya, saya meneruskan perjalanan saya, tetapi saya menyuruh
sekretaris saya untuk bergabung dengan mereka dan turut mendengarkan
pengajaran-Nya. Kemudian sekretaris saya melaporkan bahwa belum pernah ia
membaca karya-karya ahli filsafat manapun yang dapat disejajarkan dengan
ajaran Orang itu, dan bahwa Orang itu (Yesus) sama sekali tidak membawa
orang ke jalan yang sesat, dan tidak pula menjadi penghasut. Oleh karena
itulah kami memutuskan untuk membiarkan-Nya. Ia bebas untuk melakukan
kegiatan-Nya berbicara dan mengumpulkan orang. Kebebasan yang tidak terbatas
ini menggusarkan orang-orang Yahudi dan menimbulkan kemarahan mereka. Ia
tidak menyusahkan orang miskin, tetapi merangsang kemarahan orang-orang kaya
dan para tokoh masyarakat.
Kemudian saya menulis surat kepada Yesus, meminta Ia untuk diwawancarai
dalam suatu pertemuan. Ia datang. Pada saat Orang Nazaret itu tiba, saya
sedang melakukan jalan pagi. Dan ketika saya memperhatikan- Nya, saya begitu
tertegun. Kedua kaki saya serasa dibelenggu oleh rantai besi yang terikat
pada lantai batu pualam. Seluruh tubuh saya gemetar bagaikan seorang yang
bersalah berat. Namun Ia tenang saja. Tanpa beranjak, saya begitu terpukau
dengan orang yang luarbiasa ini beberapa saat. Tidak ada yang tidak
menyenangkan pada penampilan atau perilaku-Nya. Selama kehadiran-Nya saya
menaruh hormat dan respek yang mendalam pada diri-Nya. Saya katakan
kepada-Nya bahwa pada diri dan kepribadian- Nya terdapat sesuatu yang
memancar dan menunjukkan kesederhanaan yang memukau, yang menempatkan Ia di
atas para ahli filsafat dan cendekiawan masa kini. Ia meninggalkan kesan
yang mendalam pada kami semua karena sikap-Nya yang simpatik, sederhana,
rendah hati, dan penuh kasih. Saya telah meluangkan banyak waktu untuk
mengamati aktivitas pelayanan menyangkut Yesus dari Nazaret ini.
Pendapat saya adalah : Seseorang yang mampu mengubah air menjadi anggur,
menyembuhkan orang sakit, menghidupkan orang mati, dan menenangkan gelombang
laut, tidak bersalah sebagai pelaku perbuatan kriminal sebagaimana
dituduhkan oleh orang banyak. Kami harus mengakui bahwa sesungguhnya Ia
adalah Putra Elohim.
Pelayan anda yang setia, Pontius Pilatus.
Surat di atas tersimpan di Perpustakaan Kepausan di Vatikan, dan salinannya
mungkin dapat diperoleh di Perpustakaan Kongres Amerika.
Dari surat di atas, tahulah kita mengapa Pilatus "tidak berani" menjatuhkan
vonis hukuman mati atas Yesus (Matius 27:24)
Surat Pontius Pilatus
Kepada Kaisar Tiberius
Ternyata selama masa pemerintahannya sebagai Gubernur Yudea, Pontius Pilatus
pernah menulis sebuah surat kepada Kaisar Tiberius di Roma melaporkan
mengenai aktivitas dari pelayanan Yesus. Surat ini ditulisnya pada tahun 32
AD. Berikut adalah isi suratnya :
Kepada Yang Mulia Kaisar Tiberius ...
Seorang anak muda telah muncul di Galilea dan atas nama Elohim yang
mengutusnya, Dia telah berkhotbah dalam sebuah hukum yang baru, dengan
perilaku yang rendah hati. Pada mulanya saya mengira tujuan-Nya adalah untuk
menimbulkan gerakan revolusi rakyat untuk melawan pemerintahan Roma. Dugaan
saya keliru, Yesus Orang Nazaret itu ternyata bergaul lebih akrab dengan
orang Romawi daripada dengan orang Yahudi.
Suatu hari saya memperhatikan, ada seorang anak muda di antara sekelompok
orang, sedang bersandar pada sebatang pohon dan berbicara dengan tenang
kepada kumpulan orang banyak yang mengelilingi- Nya. Orang-orang mengatakan
kepada saya bahwa itulah Yesus. Terdapat perbedaan yang jelas antara Dia dan
orang-orang yang mengelilingi- Nya. Dari rambut dan janggutnya yang pirang,
Ia kelihatan seperti "Tuhan" (Lord). Ia berumur sekitar 30 tahun, dan saya
belum pernah melihat orang dengan wajah sedemikian simpatik dan menyenangkan
seperti Dia.
Apa yang membuat Ia kelihatan begitu berbeda dengan orang-orang yang sedang
mendengarkan- Nya adalah pada wajah-Nya yang ceria. Karena saya tidak ingin
mengganggu-Nya, saya meneruskan perjalanan saya, tetapi saya menyuruh
sekretaris saya untuk bergabung dengan mereka dan turut mendengarkan
pengajaran-Nya. Kemudian sekretaris saya melaporkan bahwa belum pernah ia
membaca karya-karya ahli filsafat manapun yang dapat disejajarkan dengan
ajaran Orang itu, dan bahwa Orang itu (Yesus) sama sekali tidak membawa
orang ke jalan yang sesat, dan tidak pula menjadi penghasut. Oleh karena
itulah kami memutuskan untuk membiarkan-Nya. Ia bebas untuk melakukan
kegiatan-Nya berbicara dan mengumpulkan orang. Kebebasan yang tidak terbatas
ini menggusarkan orang-orang Yahudi dan menimbulkan kemarahan mereka. Ia
tidak menyusahkan orang miskin, tetapi merangsang kemarahan orang-orang kaya
dan para tokoh masyarakat.
Kemudian saya menulis surat kepada Yesus, meminta Ia untuk diwawancarai
dalam suatu pertemuan. Ia datang. Pada saat Orang Nazaret itu tiba, saya
sedang melakukan jalan pagi. Dan ketika saya memperhatikan- Nya, saya begitu
tertegun. Kedua kaki saya serasa dibelenggu oleh rantai besi yang terikat
pada lantai batu pualam. Seluruh tubuh saya gemetar bagaikan seorang yang
bersalah berat. Namun Ia tenang saja. Tanpa beranjak, saya begitu terpukau
dengan orang yang luarbiasa ini beberapa saat. Tidak ada yang tidak
menyenangkan pada penampilan atau perilaku-Nya. Selama kehadiran-Nya saya
menaruh hormat dan respek yang mendalam pada diri-Nya. Saya katakan
kepada-Nya bahwa pada diri dan kepribadian- Nya terdapat sesuatu yang
memancar dan menunjukkan kesederhanaan yang memukau, yang menempatkan Ia di
atas para ahli filsafat dan cendekiawan masa kini. Ia meninggalkan kesan
yang mendalam pada kami semua karena sikap-Nya yang simpatik, sederhana,
rendah hati, dan penuh kasih. Saya telah meluangkan banyak waktu untuk
mengamati aktivitas pelayanan menyangkut Yesus dari Nazaret ini.
Pendapat saya adalah : Seseorang yang mampu mengubah air menjadi anggur,
menyembuhkan orang sakit, menghidupkan orang mati, dan menenangkan gelombang
laut, tidak bersalah sebagai pelaku perbuatan kriminal sebagaimana
dituduhkan oleh orang banyak. Kami harus mengakui bahwa sesungguhnya Ia
adalah Putra Elohim.
Pelayan anda yang setia, Pontius Pilatus.
Surat di atas tersimpan di Perpustakaan Kepausan di Vatikan, dan salinannya
mungkin dapat diperoleh di Perpustakaan Kongres Amerika.
Dari surat di atas, tahulah kita mengapa Pilatus "tidak berani" menjatuhkan
vonis hukuman mati atas Yesus (Matius 27:24)
Monday, July 7, 2008
I've just finished with PRO PERAN last week. PRO PERAN stand for Pembinaan Rohani Pemuda Remaja Anugerah. We held it at Wisma TELKOM Cisarua Jawa Barat. It's been a busy week but... if it's for GOD, it will always be a blessing. I have new friends yang sudah "lahir baru" or reborn in Christ, the kind of friends that I will thank God for. I'm looking forward to serve the Lord together with them and make Jesus smile.
Peran will also have a monthly Bulletin, a group at Friendster and probably a simple website or a blog (still need to decide which is more simple and useful). I have to banyak berdoa because ada banyak pelayanan and God allow me to be part of it. Life is hard but God is good.
Peran will also have a monthly Bulletin, a group at Friendster and probably a simple website or a blog (still need to decide which is more simple and useful). I have to banyak berdoa because ada banyak pelayanan and God allow me to be part of it. Life is hard but God is good.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Tips Untuk Rumah
I got this from an email sent today. Here's the tips :
Make your home a safe house.
Create an emotionally safe environment where family members can freely share their thoughts and feelings. Teach your kids how to respect people's opinions, individuality, property, and privacy, and require them to do so. Discipline them when they're disrespectful. Practice grace and forgiveness at home regularly. Listen intentionally to your family members, giving them your full attention when they're speaking to you. Arrange your kids' schedules so they have plenty of free time for playing and using their imaginations, as well as enough time for the sleep they need. Help siblings build strong bonds, connect with each of your kids individually on a regular basis, and show siblings how to resolve conflicts in healthy ways. Encourage your family members to take risks and learn from their mistakes.
Make your home a rest area.
Slow the pace of your lifestyle down enough to give your kids the time they need to live healthy, balanced lives -- spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Choose their activities carefully, allowing them to explore and develop their interests and talents without overloading them (and your family) with stress. Make sure your kids have enough unscheduled time to spend with God, with friends, and alone. Help them get the rest, exercise, and good nutrition their bodies need. Whenever possible, eat dinner together as a family, and have everyone help prepare the meal and clean up. Enjoy meaningful conversations together while you eat. Try to schedule a family fun night once a week and family vacation every summer.
Make your home a trauma unit.
Tend to the emotional wounds of family members who become hurt by negative experiences or crises. Choose to love them even when they act in unlovable ways as they process their emotions. Listen compassionately to them. Allow them to express disappointment and grief. Encourage and support them as they pursue healing and hope. Pray for them, and with them if they let you do so.
Make your home a church.
Since your kids spend much more time at home than they do in church, they'll be more spiritually influenced by the faith you share with them at home than they will be by even the best church programs. Make your relationship with Jesus your top priority, and let them see you live out that commitment daily in your own life so they'll be inspired to do so themselves. Encourage them to read the Bible and pray often. Whenever you encounter a "teachable moment" that illustrates God's truth working in everyday life, point out God at work and discuss it with your children. Live out your faith in every area of your life instead of compartmentalizing it, so your kids will learn that Christianity is more than just going to church; it's a way of life. Reach out to children from unstable homes by encouraging them to hang out with your kids at your home, offering them rides to church, or hosting events like backyard Bible clubs.
Make your home a pep rally.
Cheer on your family members. Let them know that they have great potential, and that you believe in them and all God has in store for them. Celebrate ordinary events, such as by showing up as a family to your kids' concerts or sports games to support them. Celebrate rites of passage like puberty, moving to a new school, getting a first job, or learning to drive. Celebrate birthdays, accomplishments, and great efforts. Appreciate the uniqueness of each family member, and help your family see how their different strengths and weaknesses and complement each other. Encourage family members to pursue their dreams, and support them along the way.
Make your home a research lab.
Help your family members discover their interests and talents and develop their skills. Teach your kids basic life skills in a variety of important areas, like: food preparation, mechanics, technology, yard care, reading and writing, leadership, and physical fitness. Give them plenty of opportunities to gain new knowledge in their areas of interest, and put that new knowledge into practice in their lives. When one of your kids shows a strong interest in something that doesn't interest you, ask God to help you step into that child's world and support him or her.
Make your home a school.
Teach your kids skills they'll need to be successful in life, including people skills (such as making introductions, phone etiquette, thank-you notes, table manners, and hosting other people) self-management skills (like taking care of personal hygiene, managing time and money well, organizing space well, and doing homework and studying for tests effectively), home management skills (doing the chores needed to maintain a clean and organized home), spiritual disciplines (such as Bible reading, praying, and attending church and youth group) and developing biblical character and values.
Make your home a museum.
Remember the work God has done in your family's life, and the heritage you share as a family. Keep and display unique items that memorialize answered prayers or meaningful experiences in your family's life together. Tell family stories, and record them in writing, through scrapbooking, through audio or video recordings, or in some other way.
Make your home a playground.
Be intentional about having fun together as a family at home. Laugh often. Play board games together in your living room or play baseball in your yard. Have picnics in your yard or bake cookies in your kitchen. Go on family outings (like bowling or ice skating) and take road trips together. Don't worry about the messes that happen at home when you have fun together; it's worth the cleanup time to have fun.
Make your home a business office.
Manage your family's business well. Use a central calendar to schedule each family member's events, activities, and appointments. Organize your important papers into short-term and long-term files, and develop an effective system for organizing other items like clothes, toys, and keepsakes. Assign everyone specific household responsibilities, and keep track of them.
Make your home a hospitality house.
Invite others to enjoy your home with your family. Providing an environment that's emotionally safe, friendly, and clean, makes people feel welcome. When people visit, offer them food and drink and engage them in good conversation. Do all you can to provide a pleasant experience for everyone who enters your home.
Make your home a cultural center.
Help your family members learn about and appreciate people who are different from them, whether because of their race, age, disabilities, or some other reason. Get to know your own family's heritage, and celebrate it. Support missions work together.
Be available to your family.
As either a mom or a dad, recognize just how vital your presence and participation is to your family. Make it a priority to be available when your family needs you, while also taking time to care for your personal needs so you don't get burned out.
Work well with your partner.
Invest in your marriage regularly to keep it strong. Handle parenting disagreements in private so you can present a united front to your kids after you reach an agreement. Pray together often. If you're a single parent, surround yourself with a network of caring people who can support and encourage you in all the specific ways you need help.
Walaupun dalam bahasa inggris, mudahan bisa berguna for all of us. Have a blessed day!!!
Make your home a safe house.
Create an emotionally safe environment where family members can freely share their thoughts and feelings. Teach your kids how to respect people's opinions, individuality, property, and privacy, and require them to do so. Discipline them when they're disrespectful. Practice grace and forgiveness at home regularly. Listen intentionally to your family members, giving them your full attention when they're speaking to you. Arrange your kids' schedules so they have plenty of free time for playing and using their imaginations, as well as enough time for the sleep they need. Help siblings build strong bonds, connect with each of your kids individually on a regular basis, and show siblings how to resolve conflicts in healthy ways. Encourage your family members to take risks and learn from their mistakes.
Make your home a rest area.
Slow the pace of your lifestyle down enough to give your kids the time they need to live healthy, balanced lives -- spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Choose their activities carefully, allowing them to explore and develop their interests and talents without overloading them (and your family) with stress. Make sure your kids have enough unscheduled time to spend with God, with friends, and alone. Help them get the rest, exercise, and good nutrition their bodies need. Whenever possible, eat dinner together as a family, and have everyone help prepare the meal and clean up. Enjoy meaningful conversations together while you eat. Try to schedule a family fun night once a week and family vacation every summer.
Make your home a trauma unit.
Tend to the emotional wounds of family members who become hurt by negative experiences or crises. Choose to love them even when they act in unlovable ways as they process their emotions. Listen compassionately to them. Allow them to express disappointment and grief. Encourage and support them as they pursue healing and hope. Pray for them, and with them if they let you do so.
Make your home a church.
Since your kids spend much more time at home than they do in church, they'll be more spiritually influenced by the faith you share with them at home than they will be by even the best church programs. Make your relationship with Jesus your top priority, and let them see you live out that commitment daily in your own life so they'll be inspired to do so themselves. Encourage them to read the Bible and pray often. Whenever you encounter a "teachable moment" that illustrates God's truth working in everyday life, point out God at work and discuss it with your children. Live out your faith in every area of your life instead of compartmentalizing it, so your kids will learn that Christianity is more than just going to church; it's a way of life. Reach out to children from unstable homes by encouraging them to hang out with your kids at your home, offering them rides to church, or hosting events like backyard Bible clubs.
Make your home a pep rally.
Cheer on your family members. Let them know that they have great potential, and that you believe in them and all God has in store for them. Celebrate ordinary events, such as by showing up as a family to your kids' concerts or sports games to support them. Celebrate rites of passage like puberty, moving to a new school, getting a first job, or learning to drive. Celebrate birthdays, accomplishments, and great efforts. Appreciate the uniqueness of each family member, and help your family see how their different strengths and weaknesses and complement each other. Encourage family members to pursue their dreams, and support them along the way.
Make your home a research lab.
Help your family members discover their interests and talents and develop their skills. Teach your kids basic life skills in a variety of important areas, like: food preparation, mechanics, technology, yard care, reading and writing, leadership, and physical fitness. Give them plenty of opportunities to gain new knowledge in their areas of interest, and put that new knowledge into practice in their lives. When one of your kids shows a strong interest in something that doesn't interest you, ask God to help you step into that child's world and support him or her.
Make your home a school.
Teach your kids skills they'll need to be successful in life, including people skills (such as making introductions, phone etiquette, thank-you notes, table manners, and hosting other people) self-management skills (like taking care of personal hygiene, managing time and money well, organizing space well, and doing homework and studying for tests effectively), home management skills (doing the chores needed to maintain a clean and organized home), spiritual disciplines (such as Bible reading, praying, and attending church and youth group) and developing biblical character and values.
Make your home a museum.
Remember the work God has done in your family's life, and the heritage you share as a family. Keep and display unique items that memorialize answered prayers or meaningful experiences in your family's life together. Tell family stories, and record them in writing, through scrapbooking, through audio or video recordings, or in some other way.
Make your home a playground.
Be intentional about having fun together as a family at home. Laugh often. Play board games together in your living room or play baseball in your yard. Have picnics in your yard or bake cookies in your kitchen. Go on family outings (like bowling or ice skating) and take road trips together. Don't worry about the messes that happen at home when you have fun together; it's worth the cleanup time to have fun.
Make your home a business office.
Manage your family's business well. Use a central calendar to schedule each family member's events, activities, and appointments. Organize your important papers into short-term and long-term files, and develop an effective system for organizing other items like clothes, toys, and keepsakes. Assign everyone specific household responsibilities, and keep track of them.
Make your home a hospitality house.
Invite others to enjoy your home with your family. Providing an environment that's emotionally safe, friendly, and clean, makes people feel welcome. When people visit, offer them food and drink and engage them in good conversation. Do all you can to provide a pleasant experience for everyone who enters your home.
Make your home a cultural center.
Help your family members learn about and appreciate people who are different from them, whether because of their race, age, disabilities, or some other reason. Get to know your own family's heritage, and celebrate it. Support missions work together.
Be available to your family.
As either a mom or a dad, recognize just how vital your presence and participation is to your family. Make it a priority to be available when your family needs you, while also taking time to care for your personal needs so you don't get burned out.
Work well with your partner.
Invest in your marriage regularly to keep it strong. Handle parenting disagreements in private so you can present a united front to your kids after you reach an agreement. Pray together often. If you're a single parent, surround yourself with a network of caring people who can support and encourage you in all the specific ways you need help.
Walaupun dalam bahasa inggris, mudahan bisa berguna for all of us. Have a blessed day!!!
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